Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eczema Symptoms

Eczema symptoms are disk into 2 elements:

1. The Basic Lesion: The blisters concentrated into red leather background. The disease usually progresses follow 5 period of, reflecting the transformation of the blisters, each phase can last from a few days to a few weeks. 

1.1. Redness Phase: Begins itching or burning sensation, and then become red and hot. Can accommodate in the loose skin like the eyelid, the foreskin. On the surface appear white particles that later would form blisters. 

1.2. Period of Pimples: The typical blisters of eczema often play early on red leather background, sometimes spilling out the skin heals. Size small as head studs, sometimes the puffiness. Small blisters are very shallow, contained in the array, arranged in genus dock, dense. On an array of Indigo, due to multiple batches in a row, blisters in several different stages. 

1.3. The Watery Phase: The blisters can break away because the patient scratching or breaking the natural water flowing gold, stamping out, when it drops, then stick to clothing. Up to this stage, Indigo patches holes where many traces a circular strips, also known as Indigo fields (this stage is prone to multiple infections). The serum seeping out, if taking something covered, then after a while the serum will form a thick array. 

1.4. Period of Smooth Skin: after a while, the reduction, when flowing water, serum form on the skin, made into the thick weather scales. After a period of dry weather scales form and flaking off revealing smooth skin balloon thin as the shell. This short stage. 

1.5. Period of Flaking Skin Scales: the skin has just recreated the rift itself, the scales are thick or plate flaking chips such as bran, or thickened skin, hyperpigmentation, has reticle called liken. After a long time without recurrent blisters, skin will return to normal with no scarring, because lesions in classes from 

.2. Itching Symptoms : Very loyal to the disease, that is, as the redness of the skin until the end phase. Very intense, may cause the patient's sleep disorders. When scratching ruptured cell clinics will release the histamine induced itch more.

Note: When the expression of the aforementioned symptoms of members of your family. Let's quickly go to the doctor for examination and early treatment to avoid complications of chronic dermatitis, skin cancer. Encouraged not to use drugs or chemicals, use natural remedies for eczema, treatments are natural non-drug high results in 14 days was carried out successfully with many patients.

What Causes Eczema?

Eczema arises due to two factors: allergic and human body disease

1. Human Body Disease:

There may be genetic, family characteristics, family history of the patient may have eczema sufferers, hen. There are many new works proved the venue is the transformation of the creature, the metabolism of substances due to organ dysfunction, hormonal, nervous (about subclinical will see CTM: increased eosinophils and single people). 

The stimuli inside, attached may be sinusitis, cirrhosis, chronic colitis, inflammation of the ear bones clash, kidney disease ... 

There is the theory that due to neurological disorders, vasomotor renal dysfunction, digestive but not yet proven. 

2. Allergies Resources: 

-The drugs or cause response: sulfur, mercury, anesthetics, sunfamid, chlorocit, penicillin, streptomycin. 

-Disease-causing chemicals by occupation: cement, dye, rubber materials, paints, grease, coal, chemical fertilizer, drugs, acit, alkaline, ... 

-The product has allergic mechanism micro-organisms: bacteria, fungi, virus 

.-Physical factors: light, moisture, friction, scratching and other lesions. 

-Clothing, accessories, footwear, rubber, nylon, wool scarf, pens, chalk wax, face cream, hair dye ... 

-Some trees: paint, daisies, wild jute, vegetables, perilla Tumbleweed. 

-Food: especially the species of shrimp, crab, Chrysalis 

Analysis of the root causes associated with the derived eczema found out some foreign elements, many patients with acute or chronic condition, strong emotions, mental trauma, conflict within the family or in the society caused these conditions conveniently easy eczema is born.

What is Eczema
How to Treat Eczema in Children 100%
Eczema is a common skin disease, there are around the world and is the most common disease. Skin diseases disease classification "Indigo" in most of the countries used to refer to a separate category in the diagnostic Dermatology. 

About 10% of the world's population suffer from eczema. In United States, eczema constitute 44% of the total number of skin diseases. Eczema is a type of disease that the coordination with the geographical variability, about race and its starboard side. The rate of growth in those countries, in the tropics. In London 18% of Indigo is found in the audience attended. Some investigation on skin diseases in general clinics found 33% and 23% of all cases in Glasgow and Oxford. Indigo accounted for 17% of all diseases in Greek.

The word "dermatitis" and "Indigo" is generally used as a synonym. However, while every form of eczema is Dermatitis, but not skin inflammation are eczema, eczema is a skin disease is not transmitted, itching, inflammation. It can be chronic or sales level. Clinical manifestations are varied but generally always have the following characteristics: 

-clinical: have itching, blisters arranged in arrays of unknown limits, evolved into major, recurrent or persistent. 

-About the autopsy that kind of spongy lesions. 

-About the pathogenesis: the Indigo is a reaction of the skin with the agent in or out of the body. In terms of a special organ, the organ 

allergic reactions.The two basic factors arising out of the Indigo is the organ of allergies and stimuli in the in or out on the organ. Both factors have changed much less depending on each case. 

The classification of eczema is very difficult because of inconsistent nomenclature and causes the disease again. Therefore, there is no classification is fully satisfactory for this disease. 

So, one thing to note is that precede an eczema need analysis clearly belongs to be, stay on it, investigate, do the test (test), look for the physical, chemical, microbial ... to arrive at a correct diagnosis from there find the best treatment method, decided to clear the dermatitis diseases, evolution, human factors would cause.